Monday, May 6, 2013


When I heard about this book I was so excited, because really, it sounded so amazing, so bad-ass.  So at ALA I decided to ask if they had a copy, and indeed they did, so I just had to pick up a copy, but before I knew it the release date was upon me, so I had to scurry to read it.  I've always been a fan of fast-paced books, books with fierce female characters and dead people, so the moment I cracked the spine (not literally, I hate doing that, it ruins the book) there was no doubt in my mind that I would end up loving this book.  Sometimes I think that all we as a society today are interested in is action and violence (and sex) which means that our media reflects this, and while Reboot does have these things there's something underneath it all that speaks to something more.  It speaks to humanity and what makes us human, along with how we can bring ourselves back from dark places.  In some ways I can even see it working at being comfortable with who you are and accepting yourself and others as well as working to be the best you out there.  There's also a plague, the equivalent of super zombies, a dystopian feel (controlling government and broken Earth), and Texas as the last state functioning in the United States.  Add ALL of these things up (and mix in some kissing) you get a novel that's fresh but speaks to fans of The Hunger Games that hits the ground running and never lets up.  I can't wait to see what Amy comes up with next, because I'm pretty sure I'll read whatever this author writes (I've also given her some things to think about in the world of her creation).

Out May 7, 2013

5/5 dust spirits

*Thanks to Harper Teen for providing me (via ALA Midwinter) an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

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