Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Review-Until I Die

I read an ARC of Die For Me and really enjoyed it, so when I got an ARC of this book in the mail I was very pleased.  Unfortunately I had so many other books that I needed to read that this one fell by the wayside a little bit, and I ended up reading it right before the release date.  It's okay though, because I did end up reading it in time, and it was also very good.  Amy takes us back to her lovely world of Paris and her great characters come to life all over again.  You would think that this book would be a little dull after the first one, because sometimes I think, with all that happened in book one how can book two possibly be interesting in any way, but Amy is very talented.  Kate really grows as a character in this book, and I love the fact that she's not whiny or helpless.  She's a smart and determined girl who fights for what she believes in, and I think that that's a great thing to teach other girls.  Vincent is dreamy and wonderful, as always, although there were times I wanted to go "you promised to be honest, this is not honest!"  There were some twists that I'm sure some people wouldn't have anticipated, but because I am me, and very few things get past me I did figure it out before the lovely Kate.  The ending leaves you hanging so that you really want the last book in the series, because the cliff-hanger it leaves is very great, so be sure that you are prepared for the end.  If you do enjoy paranormal romance I suggest that you pick up the first book in this series, and if you have read the first book check this book out, because it's a worthy sequel to it's predecessor.  I can't wait to see how Kate and Vincent's journey ends, and this was a great middle to the series.

Out May 8, 2012

4.5/5 dust spirits

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